Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper

Eli Over Easy by Phil Stamper

Author:Phil Stamper
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 2023-07-27T00:00:00+00:00

Mrs. Martinez’s Rice and Beans


Onion (the purple kind . . . yuck)

Bell Pepper

Garlic (ugh, I need to practice mincing)


Tomato Sauce

Chicken Stock (Mrs. Martinez says I can use veggie stock instead if I ever cook this for Riley!)

Seasonings (adobo, oregano, pepper, and others—I can’t remember them all!)

Can’t forget stars of the show:

Rice (and)



Heat oil in Mom’s big pot (Mrs. Martinez uses a cast-iron one I can barely lift, but she says a regular one would be okay too), add all the veggies, stock, and seasonings, and cook until the veggies start to get soft *IT TOOK US ABOUT 4 MINUTES

Add beans and water and bring to a boil, then add rice and reduce the heat

Simmer until the rice absorbs all the liquid, stirring every once in a while once things start to burn

CHEF’S TIP: It doesn’t have to be perfect.


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